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El Cid Spanish Restaurant
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How did you find this bar ?

* Rating of 5-Points as most satisfied 評分以五分為最滿意

Decoration 裝修

Lighting 燈光

View 景色

Atmosphere 氣氛

Waiting Time to be seated

Air Pollution index

Low低 High高
Table & Chairs

Window Seats 靠窗座位

Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar
酒吧的清潔 /衛生

CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom
洗手間的清潔 / 衛生

Tidiness of waiters / waitresses

Service of waiters / waitresses

Food portion 食物份量

Food quality
(Besides the favorite dish)
食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外)

Food Price 食品價格

Alcohol provided 酒水供應 Yes 有 No 無
Location Convenience 交通方便

Paking 泊車地點

Paking fee .停車場收費

Validation of the parking ticket by the bar

Delivery Service

Delivery time 送貨需時

Overall of this bar 總評分

Will you go again?

Yes 會 No 不會

If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇:
Once a while 有時| Often 通常會去
Very often 經常會去

Do you think this is a worth wating place?
你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? Yes 是 No 否
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives?
Yes 會 No 不會
Recommend your 1st favorite dish 推薦你喜愛的菜餚及飲品
1st 第一 價格HK$
2nd 第二
價格 HK$
  • Would you like us to provide some restaurant recommendations?
    Yes 會 No 不會
  • If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer?
    若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚?
  • What are your price preferences for restaurants?
    你的理想價格是怎樣 ?
Other Comments

Thank you for your comment
Name 姓名: OQ0rJ9ZTz
Sex 性別: Female 憟
Email address 電郵地址: ejv593qj7b@gmail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 51 or above 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? TV 餉
Decoration 裝修: Excellent 箄
Lighting 燈光: Dim 瘛
View 景色: Terrible 璆萄榆
Atmosphere 氣氛: Fair 銝
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: Too Long 憭芷
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
Five Points 鈭
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : A Few 撠
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Five Points 鈭
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Five Points 鈭
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Three Points 銝
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Impolite ∠旨
Food portion 食物份量 : Small 撠
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Best 典單迤
Food Price 食品價格 : In General 銝
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : No
Location Convenience 交通方便: --- 隢豢 ---
Paking 泊車地點 : Inconvenient 銝嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : Expensive 蝔鞎
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : Yes
Delivery time 送貨需時 : --- 隢豢 ---
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 86-100
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Very Often 蝬撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? Yes
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : okuSGivQ
價格HK - 0ANOD7dsT
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : skJUMfLCTH
價格HK - qSFjIrKY
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? Yes
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? American 蝢
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? --- 隢豢 ---
其他: SCvYyjhD3
其他意見Other Comments: Peerfct shot! Thanks for your post!

Name 姓名: GPtZXdphm
Sex 性別: Male
Email address 電郵地址: zdgsy1cz4bl@mail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 51 or above 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Magazines 隤
Decoration 裝修: Terrible 璆萄榆
Lighting 燈光: --- 隢豢 ---
View 景色: --- 隢豢 ---
Atmosphere 氣氛: --- 隢豢 ---
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: --- 隢豢 ---
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
--- 隢豢 ---
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : None
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: --- 隢豢 ---
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Four Points
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Two Points 拙
waitresses 侍應生的服務: --- 隢豢 ---
Food portion 食物份量 : Much 蝔憭
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Fair 銝
Food Price 食品價格 : Cheap 靘踹
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes
Location Convenience 交通方便: Inconvenient 銝嫣噶
Paking 泊車地點 : --- 隢豢 ---
Paking fee .停車場收費 : Cheap 靘踹
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : Yes
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Delivery time 送貨需時 : Too Slow 憭芷
Overall of this bar 總評分 : --- 隢豢 ---
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Very Often 蝬撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? No 銝
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : DU34Q0pqa1
價格HK - EJ0IOxKuB
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : qtXgotiXaR
價格HK - ZwdG2QyxSQ
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? Yes
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Dim Sum 暺敹
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? Medium average price 銝剖
其他: atg0S3PIAEq
其他意見Other Comments: That's 2 clever by half and 2x2 clever 4 me. Thsnak!

Name 姓名: O35vGrEJ
Sex 性別: Female 憟
Email address 電郵地址: nvfzmty3@outlook.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 51 or above 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Refer by someone 隞蝝
Decoration 裝修: Excellent 箄
Lighting 燈光: Bright
View 景色: Fair 銝
Atmosphere 氣氛: Fair 銝
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: No need to wait ⊿蝑雿
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 Low 雿
Two Points 拙
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : A Few 撠
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Two Points 拙
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Two Points 拙
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Four Points
waitresses 侍應生的服務: --- 隢豢 ---
Food portion 食物份量 : Just right 拐葉
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Best 典單迤
Food Price 食品價格 : Cheap 靘踹
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes
Location Convenience 交通方便: Inconvenient 銝嫣噶
Paking 泊車地點 : Inconvenient 銝嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : Yes
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Delivery time 送貨需時 : --- 隢豢 ---
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 71-85
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Often 撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? No 銝
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : yRao9bLs6kja
價格HK - gP59yP6lLG9I
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : EelMAlmBVN
價格HK - lIZ5YNxG75ZE
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? No 銝
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Korean
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? --- 隢豢 ---
其他: 5dFxIczKP
其他意見Other Comments: Your story was really invrmoatife, thanks! http://vipqyzl.com [url=http://zeaiyjnq.com]zeaiyjnq[/url] [link=http://hpkzah.com]hpkzah[/link]

Name 姓名: xHhnhGeE1Fxl
Sex 性別: Male
Email address 電郵地址: 3nahy6kb3gc@yahoo.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 51 or above 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Radio 餃
Decoration 裝修: Good撟曉末
Lighting 燈光: Too Bright 憭芸
View 景色: --- 隢豢 ---
Atmosphere 氣氛: Fair 銝
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: No need to wait ⊿蝑雿
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
Three Points 銝
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : A Lot 憭
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Three Points 銝
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : One Point 銝
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : One Point 銝
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Too bad 璆萄榆
Food portion 食物份量 : Just right 拐葉
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Fair 銝
Food Price 食品價格 : Expensive 蝔鞎
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : No
Location Convenience 交通方便: No Comment 銝皜璆
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : Expensive 蝔鞎
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : --- 隢豢 ---
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Delivery time 送貨需時 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Overall of this bar 總評分 : --- 隢豢 ---
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : No 銝
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Often 撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : Yes
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? No 銝
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : 2dmGMohxJm
價格HK - sWsQHGr5Bl
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : K1TlkzBUJT
價格HK - Gx7kp758I
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? No 銝
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Greek 撣
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? --- 隢豢 ---
其他: 7BmwAsCIE6U
其他意見Other Comments: Deadly accurate answer. You've hit the buleylse!

Name 姓名: 2KgFphfz0G
Sex 性別: Male
Email address 電郵地址: eahny3d3i@hotmail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 51 or above 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Internet 蝬脤蝬脰楝
Decoration 裝修: Good撟曉末
Lighting 燈光: Just Right 拐葉
View 景色: Beautiful ∩犖
Atmosphere 氣氛: Good 撟曉末
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: --- 隢豢 ---
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
Four Points
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : None
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Two Points 拙
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Two Points 拙
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Two Points 拙
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Excellent 撣豢蝳
Food portion 食物份量 : --- 隢豢 ---
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Taste Bad
Food Price 食品價格 : Cheap 靘踹
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes
Location Convenience 交通方便: Inconvenient 銝嫣噶
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : --- 隢豢 ---
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : No
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No
Delivery time 送貨需時 : --- 隢豢 ---
Overall of this bar 總評分 : Below雿 30
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Often 撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? No 銝
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : hO9YuvhYJK
價格HK - a3ftZd3qcQ56
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : BBSamtYxX
價格HK - daVO1kDuHNZ
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? Yes
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? American 蝢
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? Expensive 鞎
其他: VGkxeCov8m
其他意見Other Comments: Calinlg all cars, calling all cars, we're ready to make a deal. http://dqgwuuu.com [url=http://rvwygm.com]rvwygm[/url] [link=http://krwicuxtnhy.com]krwicuxtnhy[/link]

Name 姓名: DfmNejT6q
Sex 性別: Male
Email address 電郵地址: jckxwj37pg@mail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 31-40
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Internet 蝬脤蝬脰楝
Decoration 裝修: Good撟曉末
Lighting 燈光: Dim 瘛
View 景色: Terrible 璆萄榆
Atmosphere 氣氛: Terrible 璆萄榆
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: No need to wait ⊿蝑雿
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
One Point 銝
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : Terrible 璆萄榆
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Five Points 鈭
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : One Point 銝
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : One Point 銝
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Impolite ∠旨
Food portion 食物份量 : Not enough 憭芸
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Fair 銝
Food Price 食品價格 : Too Expensive 憭芾眼
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes
Location Convenience 交通方便: --- 隢豢 ---
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : In General 銝
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : Yes
Delivery time 送貨需時 : Too Slow 憭芷
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 71-85
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : No 銝
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Once a While
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : Yes
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? Yes
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : 1G7MiJWyC
價格HK - Y0pLN7ppclGN
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : OQLLF4mzfNF
價格HK - BeZvqXyZ
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? Yes
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Beijing 鈭祈
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? Low-cost choices 撱
其他: ABbpHIJx
其他意見Other Comments: A million thanks for posting this initnmaofor.

Name 姓名: hrteQYR32Vct
Sex 性別: Female 憟
Email address 電郵地址: nrqfm7k14@mail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: under 18 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Refer by someone 隞蝝
Decoration 裝修: Good撟曉末
Lighting 燈光: Dim 瘛
View 景色: Fair 銝
Atmosphere 氣氛: Excellent 箄
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: No need to wait ⊿蝑雿
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
One Point 銝
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : A Few 撠
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: One Point 銝
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Two Points 拙
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Four Points
waitresses 侍應生的服務: --- 隢豢 ---
Food portion 食物份量 : Just right 拐葉
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): --- 隢豢 ---
Food Price 食品價格 : --- 隢豢 ---
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes
Location Convenience 交通方便: No Comment 銝皜璆
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : Yes
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : --- 隢豢 ---
Delivery time 送貨需時 : Fast 敹
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 71-85
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Once a While
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? Yes
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : 762nhg0V
價格HK - MTpkP6opR
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : 9u93ItBv
價格HK - fJuRQGarT
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? Yes
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Shanghai 銝瘚瑁
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? Expensive 鞎
其他: 7DhcUpFmW
其他意見Other Comments: Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qusoeisnt...until now.

Name 姓名: dyUmJSfE
Sex 性別: Male
Email address 電郵地址: cs3jg4pnp7@gmail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 31-40
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Magazines 隤
Decoration 裝修: Terrible 璆萄榆
Lighting 燈光: Dim 瘛
View 景色: Too Beautiful 憭芰
Atmosphere 氣氛: Good 撟曉末
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: Long 蝔
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
--- 隢豢 ---
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : A Lot 憭
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Three Points 銝
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : --- 隢豢 ---
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : --- 隢豢 ---
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Polite 蝳
Food portion 食物份量 : Much 蝔憭
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Taste Bad
Food Price 食品價格 : Too Expensive 憭芾眼
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : No
Location Convenience 交通方便: No Comment 銝皜璆
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : Expensive 蝔鞎
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : --- 隢豢 ---
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No
Delivery time 送貨需時 : Fair 銝
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 30-50
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Often 撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? No 銝
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : FNmYwSVC
價格HK - prF7kpkzP
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : yyxpEtD6
價格HK - eUO3GDvHj
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? No 銝
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Dim Sum 暺敹
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? Expensive 鞎
其他: 2kJOdiN3DDOy
其他意見Other Comments: All of my questions setnled-thatks! http://bduiardxwu.com [url=http://gmruoxfb.com]gmruoxfb[/url] [link=http://xlgodnmst.com]xlgodnmst[/link]

Name 姓名: jecEmxPwV
Sex 性別: Male 嚙糊
Email address 電郵地址: vcz1cqyd3oi@outlook.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 19-30
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? Refer by someone 嚙畿嚙談歹蕭嚙踝蕭
Decoration 裝修: --- 嚙請選蕭嚙 ---
Lighting 燈光: Dim 嚙緣嚙瘡
View 景色: --- 嚙請選蕭嚙 ---
Atmosphere 氣氛: Fair 嚙瑾嚙踝蕭
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: Short 嚙線
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 Low 嚙瘠
Five Points 嚙踝蕭嚙踝蕭
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : --- 嚙請選蕭嚙 ---
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Two Points 嚙踝蕭嚙
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Five Points 嚙踝蕭嚙踝蕭
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Four Points 嚙罵嚙踝蕭
waitresses 侍應生的服務: --- 嚙請選蕭嚙 ---
Food portion 食物份量 : Just right 嚙璀嚙踝蕭
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Good 嚙碼嚙緯
Food Price 食品價格 : Cheap 嚙皺嚙緙
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes 嚙踝蕭
Location Convenience 交通方便: Convenient 嚙踝蕭K
Paking 泊車地點 : --- 嚙請選蕭嚙 ---
Paking fee .停車場收費 : --- 嚙請選蕭嚙 ---
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : No Comment 嚙踝蕭嚙瞎嚙踝蕭
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No 嚙盤
Delivery time 送貨需時 : Fast 嚙踝蕭
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 71-85
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes 嚙罵
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Often 嚙緬嚙窯嚙罵嚙篁
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No 嚙稻
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? No 嚙踝蕭嚙罵
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : 4d3hgNKY
價格HK - 0VVSdN1hw8
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : 6mUUvZbqy
價格HK - WV6Hsb2H
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? No 嚙踝蕭嚙罵
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Vegetarian 嚙踝蕭嚙踝蕭
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? Low-cost choices 嚙瘦嚙踝蕭
其他: VUY3Gw5q
其他意見Other Comments: I'm imesrsepd you should think of something like that http://pshiuq.com [url=http://wgaattzlif.com]wgaattzlif[/url] [link=http://brclkceqh.com]brclkceqh[/link]

Name 姓名: WltUOyfISK
Sex 性別: Male
Email address 電郵地址: 8aht2e48svn@outlook.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 19-30
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? TV 餉
Decoration 裝修: Good撟曉末
Lighting 燈光: Dim 瘛
View 景色: --- 隢豢 ---
Atmosphere 氣氛: Fair 銝
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: Short
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
--- 隢豢 ---
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : Terrible 璆萄榆
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Four Points
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : Two Points 拙
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Five Points 鈭
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Excellent 撣豢蝳
Food portion 食物份量 : --- 隢豢 ---
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Good 撟曉末
Food Price 食品價格 : Expensive 蝔鞎
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : No
Location Convenience 交通方便: No Comment 銝皜璆
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : In General 銝
Validation of the parking ticket by the bar 泊車優惠 : Yes
Delivery Service 送貨服務 : No Comment 銝皜璆
Delivery time 送貨需時 : Too Slow 憭芷
Overall of this bar 總評分 : 30-50
Will you go again? 你會再去嗎? : Yes
If yes, please check the box 若會,請選擇: Very Often 蝬撣豢
Do you think this is a worth wating place? 你認為這是一間值得去的食肆嗎? : No
Will you recommend to your friends and relatives? 你會介紹給朋友和親戚嗎? Yes
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,1st 第一 : 6OHfI8uUuOgo
價格HK - ZTh5ZBLRjX1
你喜愛的菜餚及飲品,2nd 第二 : 7zOWKYxxSvN
價格HK - IKeaaKp4v
你會否喜歡我們推薦一些食肆嗎? Yes
If yes, what type of cuisine do you prefer? 若會, 你會比較喜歡什麼類型的菜餚? Vietnamese 頞
What are your price preferences for restaurants? 你的理想價格是怎樣 ? --- 隢豢 ---
其他: Og6a5yjMV
其他意見Other Comments: It's a plaurese to find someone who can think so clearly

Name 姓名: e9SB30bqCesp
Sex 性別: Female 憟
Email address 電郵地址: 4ahx58d1i@mail.com
Age Group 年齡範圍: 51 or above 隞乩
How did you find this bar? 怎樣得知這酒吧? TV 餉
Decoration 裝修: Good撟曉末
Lighting 燈光: Dim 瘛
View 景色: Too Beautiful 憭芰
Atmosphere 氣氛: Terrible 璆萄榆
Waiting Time to be seated 等位時間: Too Long 憭芷
Air Pollution index 空氣污染指數 High 擃
Five Points 鈭
Window Seats 靠窗座位 : --- 隢豢 ---
Cleanliness/Hygiene of the Bar 酒吧的清潔 /衛生: Two Points 拙
CleanLiness / Hygiene of the Washroom 洗手間的清潔 / 衛生 : One Point 銝
Tidiness of waiters / waitresses 侍應生的整潔 : Three Points 銝
waitresses 侍應生的服務: Polite 蝳
Food portion 食物份量 : Not enough 憭芸
(Besides the favorite dish) 食物品質 (最喜愛的菜餚除外): Good 撟曉末
Food Price 食品價格 : --- 隢豢 ---
Alcohol provided 酒水供應 : Yes
Location Convenience 交通方便: No Comment 銝皜璆
Paking 泊車地點 : Convenient 嫣噶
Paking fee .停車場收費 : In Ge